Results for 'Alexandra Dias Fortes'

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  1. Conceptual Figures of Fragmentation and Reconfiguration.Nélio Conceição, Gianfranco Ferraro, Nuno Fonseca, Fortes Alexandra Dias & Maria Filomena Molder (eds.) - 2021 - Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas Instituto de Filosofia da NOVA.
    The volume Conceptual Figures of Fragmentation and Reconfiguration is a collection of revised versions of the papers presented at a research seminar which took place at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, between January and June 2019. The seminar is one of the core activities of the project “Fragmentation and Reconfiguration: Experiencing the City between Art and Philosophy”, based at IFILNOVA – Nova Institute of Philosophy in Lisbon. This volume strives to reassess the relationship between (...)
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  2. Conceptual Figures of Fragmentation and Reconfiguration.Nélio Conceição, Gianfranco Ferraro, Nuno Fonseca, Alexandra Dias Fortes, Maurizio Gribaudi, Bartholomew John Ryan, João Oliveira Duarte, Maria João Gamito & Maria Filomena Molder - 2021 - Lisbon: Ifilnova - Nova Fcsh. Edited by Nélio Conceição, Gianfranco Ferraro, Nuno Fonseca, Alexandra Dias Fortes & Maria Filomena Molder.
    The volume Conceptual Figures of Fragmentation and Reconfiguration is a collection of revised versions of the papers presented at a research seminar which took place at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, between January and June 2019. The seminar is one of the core activities of the project “Fragmentation and Reconfiguration: Experiencing the City between Art and Philosophy”, based at IFILNOVA – Nova Institute of Philosophy in Lisbon. This volume strives to reassess the relationship between (...)
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    A filosofia da história entre a política e as virtudes epistêmicas: o caso de Louis Rougier.Alexandra Dias Ferraz Tedesco - 2023 - Revista Ética E Filosofia Política 1 (26):29-50.
    O presente texto parte de um diálogo com um artigo publicado recentemente na revista HOPOS (Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science), de autoria dos pesquisadores Fons Dewulf e Massimiliano Simons, intitulado “Positivism in Action: The case of Louis Rougier” (2020). No artigo, os pesquisadores abordam a trajetória pouco frequentada de Louis Rougier, filósofo francês cuja fortuna crítica associou-se à sua participação na rede de intelectuais liberais do pós-guerra e a sua função central na organização (...)
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    Respiration and Heart Rate Modulation Due to Competing Cognitive Tasks While Driving.Antonio R. Hidalgo-Muñoz, Adolphe J. Béquet, Mathis Astier-Juvenon, Guillaume Pépin, Alexandra Fort, Christophe Jallais, Hélène Tattegrain & Catherine Gabaude - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Do distinct mind wandering differently disrupt drivers? Interpretation of physiological and behavioral pattern with a data triangulation method.Guillaume Pepin, Séverine Malin, Christophe Jallais, Fabien Moreau, Alexandra Fort, Jordan Navarro, Daniel Ndiaye & Catherine Gabaude - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 62:69-81.
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    Determination of cognitive workload variation in driving from ECG derived respiratory signal and heart rate.Antonio Hidalgo-Muñoz, Adolphe Béquet, Mathis Astier-Juvenon, Guillaume Pépin, Alexandra Fort, Christophe Jallais, Hélène Tattegrain & Catherine Gabaude - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Maquiavel: A Ética de Um Estado Forte.J. C. T. Dias - 2013 - Páginas de Filosofía 5 (2):91-99.
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  8. Interpretación y comprensión como puntos de partida hacia el diálogo intercultural.Alexandra Lobato Quesada - 2012 - In González de Luna, M. Eduardo, Mauricio Ávila Barba & Óscar Wingartz Plata, Problemas filosóficos interdisciplinarios de la ciencia, la tecnología y la sociedad. Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., México: Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Filosofía.
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    Etnicidade em movimento: Poesia Afro-Alemã como resistência cultural e política no século XX.Aline Dias Dos Santos - 2021 - Odeere 6 (1):370-385.
    Afro-alemães são pessoas negras que tem um dos progenitores alemão e o outro negro de qualquer parte do mundo. Historicamente os que se identificam como afro alemães são desconectados da cultura alemã, há uma forte crença no país onde uma escolha silenciosa é feita: Ou você é alemão, ou negro. Uma vez negro, você não é alemão. A partir de duas poesias da poeta afro-alemã May Ayim, apresento uma reflexão sob a perspectiva histórica sobre motivos que levam à elaboração e (...)
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    « Les vrais paradis sont les paradis qu’on a perdus » : la puissance du passé et le malheur de l’existence chez Schelling et chez Proust.Alexandra Roux - 2018 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 43:233-254.
    « Les vrais paradis sont les paradis qu’on a perdus » : cette formule que l’on trouve dans Le Temps retrouvé fait signe vers deux aspects qui m’ont semblé majeurs dans la conception proustienne de l’incursion du passé dans le présent : l’idée que cette dernière suppose que le passé soit d’abord séparé du présent par l’oubli, et l’idée qu’elle suscite non pas la nostalgie mais une félicité qui, quoique fort féconde, est cerné de tristesse. Je me propose de mettre (...)
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    Uso da ventilação proporcional assistida e pressão de suporte ventilatório no desmame de pacientes traqueostomizados.Fernanda Mariano Leites, Karina de Oliveira Seixas, Alexandra de Souza & Luciano Dondé da Silva - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (1).
    A ventilação mecânica invasiva (VMI) tem como objetivo melhorar trocas gasosas e reduzir o trabalho ventilatório de pacientes críticos. O desmame em traqueostomia é realizado usando modo ventilatório espontâneo e períodos fora da VMI de forma progressiva. O modo ventilatório utilizado pode ser, entre outros, ventilação por pressão (PSV) ou ventilação proporcional assistida (PAV). O objetivo foi comparar o uso do modo PSV e PAV no desmame de pacientes traqueostomizados. Foram recrutados 14 indivíduos, alocados em dois grupos, PSV e PAV, (...)
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    Bom dia Teeteto: Por um pensamento imanente.Jose Rogerio Vitkowski - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (2):30-38.
    Esse artigo, de natureza filosófica, tem como objeto de estudo a crítica do modelo de pensamento representacional e dogmático efetivada pelo filósofo Gilles Deleuze. A pesquisa bibliográfica tem como horizonte teórico a filosofia da diferença, com foco no legado deleuziano. O autor apresenta pressupostos que constituem o pensamento representacional na forma de postulados. São oito postulados, a saber: o da Cogitatio Universalis, o ideal do senso comum, o modelo da recognição, o elemento da representação, o negativo do erro, o privilégio (...)
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  13. O Experimento de Pensamento do Quarto Chinês: a Crítica de John s earle à Inteligência Artificial Forte.Maxwell Morais de Lima Filho - 2010 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 3.
    RESUMO : Será que um dia serão desenvolvidos computadores digitais capazes de pensar de modo similar ao nosso? Ou será que, independentemente da tecnologia, os computadores digitais estarão sempre limitados a manipularem dados sem compreendê-los? Neste trabalho, apresentarei duas concepções antagônicas de Filosofia da Mente: a Inteligência Artificial Forte, que responde afirmativamente à primeira questão, e a crítica de John Searle a esta corrente, que, por sua vez, responde de maneira afi rmativa à segunda questão. Para tanto, iniciarei o artigo (...)
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  14. Apresentação.Fernando do Nascimento Gonçalves - 2008 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 15 (2):7-9.
    A crise dos modelos de representação fundadas em unidades coerentes e ordenadas parece ter como um dos traços o que Bruno Latour (1993) chamou de “híbridos”(1). Os híbridos são a figura da multiplicidade que não cabe em categorias e que a modernidade “varia para baixo do tapete”. Atualmente, assistimos ao “retorno dos que nunca foram”, que interpelam de forma contundente nossas formas de vida, fortemente apoiadas na técnica. Mas como apreender os fluxos de discursos e práticas mediatizadas que nos atravessam (...)
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  15. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what was (...)
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    A origem de Deus no imaginário dos homens.Frederico Rochaferreira - 2016 - Multifoco.
    A bela manhã de sol era um convite a visitar meus pensamentos mais distantes, assim, absorto em minhas reflexões caminhava a passos lentos, sem perceber a presença de Alina, que observava sorrindo aquele meu ritual. Alina: Esse caminhar kantiano me diz que buscavas algo, ou melhor; alguma resposta. Estou certa? Lancio: Alina, que bom vê-la! É verdade. Caminhar estimula a circulação e os neurônios, consequentemente, é ótimo para raciocinar e ir em busca de respostas para delas obter perguntas, contudo é (...)
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    O valor volta á política: discutindo a política a partir da filosofia e da história.Renato Janine Ribeiro - 2023 - São Paulo: Edições Sesc.
    Quais são as causas do descontentamento das pessoas com a política, pergunta-se o filósofo Renato Janine Ribeiro na abertura de O Valor Volta à Política, coletânea de artigos escritos entre 2011 e 2015, num momento de forte otimismo com um país que, após consolidar a democracia, parecia destinado a fortalecê-la e se desenvolver. O retrocesso que o atingiu - assim como a outros países - substituiu a política pelo ódio. Mais que o antipetismo, o maior triunfo desse furor foi a (...)
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  18. Estruturas e sistemas no idealismo kantiano.Elisabeth Schwartz - 2008 - Dois Pontos 5 (1).
    resumo No chama do período do “estrutura l i s mo” defendeu-se a id é ia de que havia uma oposição ent re essa filosof ia e o idealismo, especia l mente o ide a l i s mo subjetivo. O propósito deste texto é defender a tese oposta, de que há um forte elo interno entre o criticismo kantiano e o método estrutural em história da filosofia. Esse elo é partic u l a r me nte visível no estrutura (...)
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    Presentimento di una religione senza dio in Friedrich Feuerbach.Ferruccio Andolfi - 2021 - Perspectivas 6 (1):12-26.
    O artigo trata da hipótese de que nos escritos de Friedrich Feuerbach sobre a a religião do futuro e sobre a igreja do futuro, possamos encontrar elementos de reflexão úteis para a articulação do tema, hoje tão discutido, de uma religião sem deus. De um lado, esse exercício sublinha a perspectiva humanista da filosofia em questão e, por outro, destaca a necessidade da criação de uma nova forma de laço capaz de difundir uma fé que una os homens com um (...)
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    Proflexionen.Marcus Steinweg - 2018 - Berlin: Matthes & Seitz Berlin.
    Nach Inkonsistenzen, Evidenzterror, Splitter und Subjekt und Wahrheit setzt der Philosoph Marcus Steinweg mit den Proflexionen sein eigensinniges Denken fort und nimmt den Leser mit auf den Weg. In prägnanten und hochverdichteten Kurztexten, Denkbildern, Bemerkungen und Miniaturen zu Autoren wie Simone Weil, Georg Trakl, Fernando Pessoa, Etel Adnan, Peter Handke, Franz Kafka, Jean-Luc Nancy oder Ludwig Wittgenstein kristallisiert sich seine unabschliessbare Arbeit an den Antinomien des Denkens. Motive wie 'Manhattan', 'Kindheit', 'Gespenster', 'Liebestheologie', 'Diätetik', 'Schnee', 'Professorenphilosophie', 'Märchenstunde', 'Freundschaft' dienen ihm nicht (...)
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    Tierrechte – Eine interdisziplinäre Herausforderung.Rainer Ebert - 2007 - Erlangen, Germany: Harald Fischer Verlag.
    Der Band vereinigt die Vorträge der internationalen Vorlesungsreihe “Tierrechte” an der Universität Heidelberg im Sommersemester 2006. Herausgegeben von der Interdisziplinären Arbeitsgemeinschaft Tierethik (IAT) mit ihren gegenwärtigen und früheren Mitgliedern Katharina Blesch, Alexandra Breunig, Stefan Buss, Guillaume Dondainas, Rainer Ebert, Florian Fruth, Nils Kessler, Matthias Müller, Uta Panten, Anette Reimelt, Bernd Schälling, Jürgen Schneele, Adriana Sixt-Sailer, Manja Unger und Alexander Zehmisch, setzt er die mit der Vorlesungsreihe begonnenen Bemühungen um eine unvoreingenommene Vermittlung der tierethischen Forschung fort. Der Band will es (...)
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  22. #MeToo & the role of Outright Belief.Alexandra Lloyd - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (2):181-197.
    In this paper, I provide an account of the wrong that is done to women when everyday people fail to believe allegations of sexual assault made by women. I argue that an everyday person wrongs both the accuser and women causally distant from the accuser when they fail to believe the accuser’s allegation. First, I argue that there are responses that we, as everyday members of society, owe to victims of sexual assault. A condition enabling everyday people to respond in (...)
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    Empowerment through health self-testing apps? Revisiting empowerment as a process.Alexandra Kapeller & Iris Loosman - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (1):143-152.
    Empowerment, an already central concept in public health, has gained additional relevance through the expansion of mobile health (mHealth). Especially direct-to-consumer self-testing app companies mobilise the term to advertise their products, which allow users to self-test for various medical conditions independent of healthcare professionals. This article first demonstrates the absence of empowerment conceptualisations in the context of self-testing apps by engaging with empowerment literature. It then contrasts the service these apps provide with two widely cited empowerment definitions by the WHO, (...)
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  24. 03 programação E conteúdos Das aulas dia/mês conteúdo.Dias Das Aulas Presenciais - 2012 - Princípios 20:03.
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  25. Rational Suspension.Alexandra Zinke - 2021 - Theoria 87 (5):1050-1066.
    The article argues that there are different ways of justifying suspension of judgement. We suspend judgement not only privatively, that is, because we lack evidence, but also positively, that is, because there is evidence that provides reasons for suspending judgement: suspension is more than the rational fallback position in cases of insufficient evidence. The article applies the distinction to recent discussions about the role of suspension for inquiry, Turri's puzzle about withholding, and formal representations of suspension.
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    The Organizational Dynamics of Compliance With the UK Modern Slavery Act in the Food and Tobacco Sector.Alexandra Andhov, Nadia Bernaz & David Monciardini - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (2):288-340.
    Empirical studies indicate that business compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act is disappointing, but they struggle to make sense of this phenomenon. This article offers a novel framework to understand how business organizations construct the meaning of compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act. Our analysis builds on the endogeneity of law theory developed by Edelman. Empirically, our study is based on the analysis of the modern slavery statements of 10 FTSE 100 (Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index) companies (...)
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  27. Experimental evidence that knowledge entails justification.Alexandra M. Nolte, David Rose & John Turri - 2022 - In Tania Lombrozo, Shaun Nichols & Joshua Knobe, Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy Volume 4. Oxford University Press.
    A standard view in philosophy is that knowledge entails justification. Yet recent research suggests otherwise. We argue that this admirable and striking research suffers from an important limitation: participants were asked about knowledge but not justification. Thus it is possible that people attributed knowledge partly because they thought the belief was justified. Perhaps though, if given the opportunity, people would deny justification while still attributing knowledge. It is also possible that earlier findings were due to perspective taking. This paper reports (...)
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  28. A Review on Research and Evaluation Methods for Investigating Self-Transcendence.Alexandra Kitson, Alice Chirico, Andrea Gaggioli & Bernhard E. Riecke - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:547687.
    Self-transcendence has been characterized as a decrease in self-saliency (ego disillusionment) and increased connection, and has been growing in research interest in the past decade. Several measures have been developed and published with some degree of psychometric validity and reliability. However, to date, there has been no review systematically describing, contrasting, and evaluating the different methodological approaches toward measuring self-transcendence including questionnaires, neurological and physiological measures, and qualitative methods. To address this gap, we conducted a review to describe existing methods (...)
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    A plea for complex categories in ontologies.Alexandra Arapinis & Laure Vieu - 2015 - Applied ontology 10 (3-4):285-296.
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    "Community" Art by Dia Rowland.Dia Rowland - 2023 - Questions 23:37-37.
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    The Beneficiary Pays Principle and Strict Liability: exploring the normative significance of causal relations.Alexandra Couto - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (9):2169-2189.
    I will discuss the relationship between two different accounts of remedial duty ascriptions. According to one account, the beneficiary account, individuals who benefit innocently from injustices ought to bear remedial responsibilities towards the victims of these injustices. According to another account, the causal account, individuals who caused injustices ought to bear remedial duties towards the victim. In this paper, I examine the relation between the principles central to these accounts: the Beneficiary Pays Principle and the well-established principle of Strict Liability (...)
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  32. Kant on Negation.Alexandra Newton - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 99 (3):435-454.
    Contrary to the contemporary view that negation is a logical operation that modifies the mere content of a thought or judgment, but not the act of thinking or judging it, Kant maintains that negation is an act of logical apperception through which I exclude a thought or judgment from what ‘I think.’ In this paper, I argue against two interpretations of Kant’s account of logical negation. According to the first, negation is a subjective psychological act of excluding an erroneous judgment. (...)
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    Surrogacy and uterus transplantation using live donors: Examining the options from the perspective of ‘womb-givers’.Alexandra Mullock, Elizabeth Chloe Romanis & Dunja Begović - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (8):820-828.
    For females without a functioning womb, the only way to become a biological parent is via assisted gestation—either surrogacy or uterus transplantation (UTx). This paper examines the comparative impact of these options on two types of putative ‘womb‐givers’: people who provide gestational surrogacy and those who donate their uterus for live donation. The surrogate ‘leases’ their womb for the gestational period, while the UTx donor donates their womb permanently via hysterectomy. Both enterprises involve a significant degree of self‐sacrifice and medical (...)
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    A Relational Framework for Integrating the Study of Empathy in Children and Adults.Alexandra Main & Carmen Kho - 2019 - Emotion Review 12 (4):280-290.
    The development of empathy is central to positive social adjustment. However, issues remain with integrating empathy research conducted with children, adolescents, and adults. The current article (...
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  35. Publishing, Belief, and Self-Trust.Alexandra Plakias - 2023 - Episteme 20 (3):632-646.
    This paper offers a defense of ‘publishing without belief’ (PWB) – the view that authors are not required to believe what they publish. I address objections to the view ranging from outright denial and advocacy of a belief norm for publication, to a modified version that allows for some cases of PWB but not others. I reject these modifications. In doing so, I offer both an alternative story about the motivations for PWB and a diagnosis of the disagreement over its (...)
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    The Interpersonal Functions of Empathy: A Relational Perspective.Alexandra Main, Eric A. Walle, Carmen Kho & Jodi Halpern - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (4):358-366.
    Empathy is an extensively studied construct, but operationalization of effective empathy is routinely debated in popular culture, theory, and empirical research. This article offers a process-focused approach emphasizing the relational functions of empathy in interpersonal contexts. We argue that this perspective offers advantages over more traditional conceptualizations that focus on primarily intrapsychic features. Our aim is to enrich current conceptualizations and empirical approaches to the study of empathy by drawing on psychological, philosophical, medical, linguistic, and anthropological perspectives. In doing so, (...)
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    Introduction: Launching a Labor History of Science.Alexandra Hui, Lissa Roberts & Seth Rockman - 2023 - Isis 114 (4):817-826.
    This introduction to the Focus section “Let’s Get to Work: Bringing Labor History and the History of Science Together” considers the need for and implications of a labor history of science. What would the broad contours of such an approach be? And what new insights, into both the past and the present, could be revealed? The contributions to this Focus section show how a labor history of science broadens our understanding of the practice and practitioners of science. They also use (...)
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    Some Probably-Not-Very-Good Thoughts on Underconfidence.Alexandra Plakias - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (5):861-869.
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  39. The aesthetics of food.Alexandra Plakias - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (11):e12781.
    Current debates in food aesthetics are moving away from a focus on whether food is art, and worries about the subjectivity and objectivity of taste, and towards questions about food's aesthetic properties, the cultural and social significance of food, our modes of aesthetic engagement with food, and issues involving cultural appropriation and the authenticity of dishes.
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    Seeing the world through another person’s eyes: Simulating selective attention via action observation.Alexandra Frischen, Daniel Loach & Steven P. Tipper - 2009 - Cognition 111 (2):212-218.
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    Liberal Perfectionism: The Reasons That Goodness Gives.Alexandra Couto - 2014 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Literature on political perfectionism has often mainly focused on dealing with objections. This book highlights the intuitive appeal of liberal perfectionism. Many objections to perfectionism are shown to fail to reach their target once appropriate.
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    When having two names facilitates lexical selection: Similar results in the picture-word task from translation distractors in bilinguals and synonym distractors in monolinguals.Alexandra S. Dylman & Christopher Barry - 2018 - Cognition 171 (C):151-171.
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    Beliefs in conspiracy theories, intolerance of uncertainty, and moral disengagement during the coronavirus crisis.Alexandra Maftei & Andrei-Corneliu Holman - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (1):1-11.
    ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of conspiracy ideation, moral disengagement, and intolerance of uncertainty on compliance with the anti-SARS-COV-2 social distancing rules and two other facets of people’s reactions toward the coronavirus crisis. A convenience sample of 245 Romanians completed an online survey in March 2020. Results indicate that conspiracy ideation is associated with lower assessments of virus risk and lower compliance with the confinement measures. Moral disengagement had a parallel effect of undermining personal compliance to the social distancing (...)
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  44. Kant on the Logical Origin of Concepts.Alexandra Newton - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):456-484.
    In his lectures on general logic Kant maintains that the generality of a representation (the form of a concept) arises from the logical acts of comparison, reflection and abstraction. These acts are commonly understood to be identical with the acts that generate reflected schemata. I argue that this is mistaken, and that the generality of concepts, as products of the understanding, should be distinguished from the classificatory generality of schemata, which are products of the imagination. A Kantian concept does not (...)
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  45. Stance in a Corsican school: Institutional and ideological orders and the production of bilingual subjects.Alexandra Jaffe - forthcoming - Stance: Sociolinguistic Perspectives.
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    Five Reasons to Doubt the Existence of a Geometric Module.Alexandra D. Twyman & Nora S. Newcombe - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (7):1315-1356.
    It is frequently claimed that the human mind is organized in a modular fashion, a hypothesis linked historically, though not inevitably, to the claim that many aspects of the human mind are innately specified. A specific instance of this line of thought is the proposal of an innately specified geometric module for human reorientation. From a massive modularity position, the reorientation module would be one of a large number that organized the mind. From the core knowledge position, the reorientation module (...)
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  47. Disagreement and Doubts About Darwinian Debunking.Alexandra Plakias - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice:1-15.
    Evolutionary debunking arguments draw on claims about the biological origins of our moral beliefs to undermine moral realism. In this paper, I argue that moral disagreement gives us reason to doubt the evolutionary explanations of moral judgment on which such arguments rely. The extent of cross-cultural and historical moral diversity suggests that evolution can’t explain the content of moral norms. Nor can it explain the capacity to make moral judgment in the way the debunker requires: empirical studies of folk moral (...)
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    Compliance, resistance and incipient compliance when responding to directives.Alexandra Kent - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (6):711-730.
    How does a parent get a child to do something? And, indeed, how might the child avoid complying or seem to comply without actually having done so? This article uses conversation analysis to identify the interactionally preferred and dispreferred response to directives. It then focuses on one alternative response option that has both verbal and embodied elements. The first part involves an embodied display of incipient compliance. That is, actions that are preparatory steps towards compliance and signal that it may (...)
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    It's (not) all Greek to me: Boundaries of the foreign language effect.Alexandra S. Dylman & Marie-France Champoux-Larsson - 2020 - Cognition 196:104148.
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    Examining the Effects of Incremental Case Presentation and Forecasting Outcomes on Case-Based Ethics Instruction.Alexandra E. MacDougall, Lauren N. Harkrider, Zhanna Bagdasarov, James F. Johnson, Chase E. Thiel, Juandre Peacock, Michael D. Mumford, Lynn D. Devenport & Shane Connelly - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (2):126-150.
    Case-based reasoning has long been used to facilitate instructional effectiveness. Although much remains to be known concerning the most beneficial way to present case material, recent literature suggests that simplifying case material is favorable. Accordingly, the current study manipulated two instructional techniques, incremental case presentation and forecasting outcomes, in a training environment in an attempt to better understand the utility of simplified versus complicated case presentation for learning. Findings suggest that pairing these two cognitively demanding techniques reduces satisfaction and detracts (...)
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